Supporting Sustainable Forest Management & Landowner Resources

Welcome to our Forestry Resources page!

Here, we provide valuable programs and resources for landowners interested in sustainable forestry practices, wildlife habitat enhancement, and responsible land management. From personalized assistance through our Forestry Assistance Program to certification opportunities like the Michigan Qualified Forest Program, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support needed to make informed choices about your forested property. Explore the links below to learn more about each program, find guidance on sustainable practices, and discover opportunities to contribute to our region’s environmental health.

Forestry Assistance Program (FAP)

The Forestry Assistance Program (FAP) helps private landowners in Mason, Lake, and Manistee counties with forest management, wildlife habitat, and natural resource questions. Josh Shields, Outreach Forester for the Mason-Lake and Manistee Conservation Districts, provides on-site assistance and organizes events like workshops, presentations, and training sessions.

What We Offer

  • Site Assessments: Free property evaluations covering topics like timber harvesting, wildlife habitat, forest ecology, pests, and diseases.

  • Goals & Resources: Information on state and federal assistance programs, tax incentives, and contacts for professional resources.

  • Outreach Events: Demonstrations, presentations, and training on forestry and natural resource management.

MAEAP Forest, Wetlands, and Habitat*A*Syst

The Forest, Wetlands, and HabitatASyst (FWHASyst) is part of the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) that helps landowners adopt sustainable land management practices to protect forests, wetlands, and other habitats.

Steps to MAEAP Verification

  1. Management Plan: Have a professional forester or ecologist prepare a management plan for your property.

  2. Risk Assessment: Complete an environmental risk assessment with a Conservation District Forester or MAEAP technician to identify areas needing improvement.

  3. Education: Complete a Phase 1 educational session (available in-person or online).

  4. Verification: Contact an official MAEAP verifier to review your improved practices.


  • Receive an official MAEAP verification sign to display on your property, showcasing your commitment to sustainable resource management.

Qualified Forest Program (QFP) Enrollment

The Qualified Forest Program (QFP) helps forest landowners receive property tax reductions for managing their land sustainably. Josh Shields can assist eligible forest owners with the application process.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Property Size: At least 20 acres of forested land.

    • 20-39 acres: 80% of the land must be productive (producing 20+ cubic feet of wood per acre per year).

    • 40+ acres: 50% must be productive.

  • Management Plan: A qualified forester must prepare a forest management plan. Eligible foresters include SAF-certified foresters, Forest Stewardship Plan writers, and other approved professionals.

Benefits of QFP

  • Up to an 18-mill reduction on school property taxes.

  • No public access required.

  • Opportunity to contribute to sustainable forestry and local economies through responsible timber harvesting.

American Tree Farm System (ATFS) Certification

The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) provides certification for landowners committed to sustainable forestry practices, recognizing forests managed to ATFS Standards of Sustainability.

Steps to ATFS Certification

  1. Ownership Requirement: Own 10-10,000 acres of forested land.

  2. Management Plan: Have a written plan that aligns with ATFS sustainability standards.

  3. Property Inspection: Schedule an inspection with an ATFS-certified inspector (Josh Shields is certified) to ensure practices align with ATFS standards.

  4. Certification: Upon approval, receive an ATFS certification sign for your property.


  • Certification supports sustainable forestry and certifies that harvested wood originates from responsibly managed forests.