Beachgrass Shipping - IN STATE
In State:
Shipping charges is applicable: $58.00 per box (box can hold from 1-3 bundles)
Shipping – All plants are shipped with United Parcel Services. If you prefer your order to be shipped, we only ship early in the week, so that plants are received no later than Friday. Please allow at least two weeks’ lead time on your order.
*Bundle Information
Beachgrass comes in bundles of approximately 500 culms (stems). Each culm will have at least 1 – 3 leaves. Culms may be growing in clumps of anywhere from 1 to 8. We keep them clumped together to preserve moisture; upon planting, keep them together for a more natural look, or pull them apart into individual culms to achieve the following coverage. Recommended spacing of 24”x24” for level, stable areas, 18”x18” for some slope or erosive areas and 12” x 12” for steep slopes or highly erosive areas. For better survival and sand collection, place 2- 3 culms to each hole: 500 culms will cover about 250ft2 at 12” spacing with 2 culms per hole.
In State:
Shipping charges is applicable: $58.00 per box (box can hold from 1-3 bundles)
Shipping – All plants are shipped with United Parcel Services. If you prefer your order to be shipped, we only ship early in the week, so that plants are received no later than Friday. Please allow at least two weeks’ lead time on your order.
*Bundle Information
Beachgrass comes in bundles of approximately 500 culms (stems). Each culm will have at least 1 – 3 leaves. Culms may be growing in clumps of anywhere from 1 to 8. We keep them clumped together to preserve moisture; upon planting, keep them together for a more natural look, or pull them apart into individual culms to achieve the following coverage. Recommended spacing of 24”x24” for level, stable areas, 18”x18” for some slope or erosive areas and 12” x 12” for steep slopes or highly erosive areas. For better survival and sand collection, place 2- 3 culms to each hole: 500 culms will cover about 250ft2 at 12” spacing with 2 culms per hole.
In State:
Shipping charges is applicable: $58.00 per box (box can hold from 1-3 bundles)
Shipping – All plants are shipped with United Parcel Services. If you prefer your order to be shipped, we only ship early in the week, so that plants are received no later than Friday. Please allow at least two weeks’ lead time on your order.
*Bundle Information
Beachgrass comes in bundles of approximately 500 culms (stems). Each culm will have at least 1 – 3 leaves. Culms may be growing in clumps of anywhere from 1 to 8. We keep them clumped together to preserve moisture; upon planting, keep them together for a more natural look, or pull them apart into individual culms to achieve the following coverage. Recommended spacing of 24”x24” for level, stable areas, 18”x18” for some slope or erosive areas and 12” x 12” for steep slopes or highly erosive areas. For better survival and sand collection, place 2- 3 culms to each hole: 500 culms will cover about 250ft2 at 12” spacing with 2 culms per hole.
Tips for a successful planting:
1) Set up planting grid with stakes on each row end; tie with strings crossing the planting area to make a grid
2) Moisten sand with sprinkler to mimic a soaking rain – this will keep the holes from backfilling
3) Keep plant roots covered from wind/sun drying while conducting your planting – this has proven to be the greatest determining factor on plant survival!
4) Open a small hole using a tool: spade shovel, tree planting bar or hand trowel –use heel to dig! (See image to right)
5) Insert 2 culms, using tool to keep sand from falling into hole. Fill sand around base of plants.
6) Compact soil around plant by tamping with foot or place tool in the ground 2-3 inches away, pull handle away from plants to compact soil toward plant -air gaps in the planting hole lower survival rates.