Red Cedar Seedlings
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-14” | Age: 2-0
Red Cedar - (Juniperus virginia)
Native to Michigan. Mature Height: 30’. Shade-intolerant, drought resistant, found in dunes and occasionally in oak understory. Similar appearance to juniper, with needle-like leaves, blue berries and fragrant wood. Cedar stands are important winter cover and food for wildlife.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-14” | Age: 2-0
Red Cedar - (Juniperus virginia)
Native to Michigan. Mature Height: 30’. Shade-intolerant, drought resistant, found in dunes and occasionally in oak understory. Similar appearance to juniper, with needle-like leaves, blue berries and fragrant wood. Cedar stands are important winter cover and food for wildlife.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-14” | Age: 2-0
Red Cedar - (Juniperus virginia)
Native to Michigan. Mature Height: 30’. Shade-intolerant, drought resistant, found in dunes and occasionally in oak understory. Similar appearance to juniper, with needle-like leaves, blue berries and fragrant wood. Cedar stands are important winter cover and food for wildlife.
Habitat: Fence rows, Woodlands' edge, Opening, Prairie, Plains, Meadows, Pastures, Savannas
Flower Color:
Bloom Time:
Type: Conifer
Other Names: Virginia Juniper, Red Juniper, Pencil Cedar, Carolina Cedar, Red Savin
Range: The most widely distributed eastern conifer, native in 37 states
Typical Mature Height: 30-40 ft. but can reach 90 ft.
Light Requirement: full sun
Soils: well drained
Wildlife Value: the juicy "berries" are consumed by many kinds of wildlife, including the cedar waxwing, named for this tree. The fruits are a staple for many birds and small mammals. Also provides nesting material and cover.
Uses: Native to our area. Mature Height: 30’. Shade-intolerant, drought resistant, found in dunes and occasionally in oak understory. Similar appearance to juniper, with needle-like leaves, blue berries and fragrant wood. Cedar stands are important winter cover and food for wildlife. The aromatic wood is used for fenceposts, cedar chests, cabinetwork, and carvings. Cedar oil for medicine and perfumes is obtained from the wood and leaves. The heartwood was once almost exclusively the source of wood for pencils. Tea of fruits and leaves for coughs and colds.