Yellow Birch
Bundle of 10 | Size: 6-12” | Age: 1-0
Yellow Birch - (Betula alleghaniensis)
Native to MI. Mature Height: 70-100’. Tolerates part to full shade in rich, moist to wet soils. Has a characteristic odor and flavor of wintergreen in the crushed bark of young twigs. The wood of yellow birch is one of the most valuable timbers in Michigan and is of special importance in furniture and veneers.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 6-12” | Age: 1-0
Yellow Birch - (Betula alleghaniensis)
Native to MI. Mature Height: 70-100’. Tolerates part to full shade in rich, moist to wet soils. Has a characteristic odor and flavor of wintergreen in the crushed bark of young twigs. The wood of yellow birch is one of the most valuable timbers in Michigan and is of special importance in furniture and veneers.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 6-12” | Age: 1-0
Yellow Birch - (Betula alleghaniensis)
Native to MI. Mature Height: 70-100’. Tolerates part to full shade in rich, moist to wet soils. Has a characteristic odor and flavor of wintergreen in the crushed bark of young twigs. The wood of yellow birch is one of the most valuable timbers in Michigan and is of special importance in furniture and veneers.
Soils: Moist , Wet
Habitat: Cool, moist soils
Flower Color: Yellow , Green , Brown
Fruit: Green to tan
Bloom Time: Apr , May
Type: Deciduous
Other Names:
Range: Nf., s. in mts. to GA, w. to Man. & n.e. IA
Typical Mature Height: 72-100 ft
Light Requirement: Part Shade , Shade
Wildlife Value: Important habitat tree for birds and pollinators
Uses: A characteristic odor and flavor of wintergreen in the crushed bark of young twigs. The wood of yellow birch is one of the most valuable timbers in Michigan. It is strong and close-grained, polishes well, and is of special importance in furniture and veneers.