Red Osier Dogwood
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-15” | Age: 1-0
Red Osier Dogwood - (Cornus sericea)
Native to our area. Mature Height: 6-12’. Thrives in a wide range of habitats, preferring moist soils and partial shade. Flower is white in late spring/summer, with showy white berries that are a good food source for waterfowl and deer. Stems have a bright red color, and can propagate from cuttings.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-15” | Age: 1-0
Red Osier Dogwood - (Cornus sericea)
Native to our area. Mature Height: 6-12’. Thrives in a wide range of habitats, preferring moist soils and partial shade. Flower is white in late spring/summer, with showy white berries that are a good food source for waterfowl and deer. Stems have a bright red color, and can propagate from cuttings.
Bundle of 10 | Size: 8-15” | Age: 1-0
Red Osier Dogwood - (Cornus sericea)
Native to our area. Mature Height: 6-12’. Thrives in a wide range of habitats, preferring moist soils and partial shade. Flower is white in late spring/summer, with showy white berries that are a good food source for waterfowl and deer. Stems have a bright red color, and can propagate from cuttings.
Soils: Moist
Habitat: Moist, well-drained soils.
Flower Color: White
Fruit: Green
Bloom Time: May , Jun
Type: Shrub
Other Names: Red osier, Red-twig dogwood
Range: Nf. to AK, s. to VA, NE, NM mts. & n. CA
Typical Mature Height: 6-12 ft.
Light Requirement: Part Shade
Wildlife Value: Waterfowl, marshbirds and shorebirds are major users. Also large and small mammals. Deer browse on dogwood year-round.