Flamin' Fury Peach
Single Tree | Diameter Size: 5/8”
A very attractive peach. The fruit is medium to large, very firm with excellent color. The trees are vigorous and productive with low susceptibility to bacterial spot.
Self Fertile
Single Tree | Diameter Size: 5/8”
A very attractive peach. The fruit is medium to large, very firm with excellent color. The trees are vigorous and productive with low susceptibility to bacterial spot.
Self Fertile
Single Tree | Diameter Size: 5/8”
A very attractive peach. The fruit is medium to large, very firm with excellent color. The trees are vigorous and productive with low susceptibility to bacterial spot.
Self Fertile
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Soils: Well drained loamy soils
Flower: White
Bloom Time: Midseason
Fruit: Medium to large, yellow-fleshed, firm, freestone peach
Harvest Time: July after redhaven
Deciduous Small Tree
Rootstock: Bailey; very cold hardy and resistant to nematodes and bacterial spot
Typical Mature Height: 8’-10’
Zone: 5-8
Recommend Another Variety as Pollinizer? Self-Pollinating
Uses: Great for fresh eating